Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “Unconditional love flows through me, resulting in healthier and more emotionally secure relationships. I connect with all those around me on the most spiritual of levels.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 6)

WEDNESDAY: The Taurus Moon will have you focused on the spiritual and metaphysical today. Give yourself extra time for prayer and meditation first thing this morning to sharpen your intuitive powers. It’s time to move beyond your comfort zone and embrace the innovative ideas and new opportunities that are appearing at every turn. You should keep mentally challenging activities to a minimum tonight and instead, simply relax.

KEEP IN MIND: You have heightened access to your spiritual gifts today; try your hand at a new divination tool such as a crystal pendulum or tarot cards.