Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “I am surrounded by joy and abundance. My inner peace and spiritual power are not subject to the ups and downs of life; it is always available to me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: White, Number: 1)
SUNDAY: Take a closer look at your schedule for next week under the illuminating Scorpio Moon, and look for ways to streamline things so you can move with more balance and, schedule in a little free time for yourself. Regarding a large purchase you are considering, a little internet sleuthing can help you find it on sale! Purple candles can elevate your intuitive powers and invite spirits from the other side, so light one before starting your evening meditation.
KEEP IN MIND: The more you look at what’s available to you, the better choices you can make, so consider all the options today!