Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of FAITH – “Faith allows me to transcend obstacles with ease, and acknowledge them as stepping stones to spiritual growth. I stay connected to Spirit and trust in the higher purpose of all that occurs around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Gold, Number: 4)
THURSDAY: Mercury will enter Libra and compel you to take a closer look at your feelings today to find the answers regarding a relationship struggle. Another’s irresponsible behavior could create extra work and have you putting in some overtime under the Cancer Moon. Don’t waste time resenting them, just accept it and do what needs to be done. Your reputation for integrity will come into play when someone confides in you tonight; don’t let them down!
KEEP IN MIND: Things won’t go the way you expect today, but if you accept the situation and deal with it, you can have your way tomorrow!