Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of THE FUTURE – “I am ready for change and move into preparation mode. I set my sights on the future and anticipate a new cycle of growth, prosperity, and attainment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Black, Number: 5)
TUESDAY: You’ll be busier than usual under today’s Virgo Moon, as you tackle all that’s been patiently awaiting your attention. Focus on moving through each task with a joyful attitude and things will go much faster. You could be the recipient of unexpected money today; spend it wisely or better yet, stash it away for a rainy day! Create a list of your greatest desires on paper and then place it under a white candle. Meditate on your “wish list” daily, asking Spirit what’s required of you to bring your dreams into reality.
KEEP IN MIND: Whatever you focus on will grow stronger, so keep your eye on the many gifts in your life today.