Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of THE FUTURE – “I am ready for change and move into preparation mode. I set my sights on the future and anticipate a new cycle of growth, prosperity, and attainment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Black, Number: 5)

SATURDAY: If you release expectations of a loved one today, you can both move in more authentic ways. Rather than focusing on the negative, practice unconditional love under the Virgo Sun. An honest discussion with a trusted friend will reveal the ideal way to rid yourself of a resentment that is consuming your thoughts. Expect an intriguing email or phone call to arrive tonight; thanks to the Scorpio Moon, it could inspire you to look at the future in a brand new way!

KEEP IN MIND: Whatever you focus on today will grow bigger, so only acknowledge the positives in your life.