

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

MONDAY: You’ll be surrounded by friends and loved ones today, so take advantage of their presence to strengthen the soulful bonds that connect you. Under the Pisces Moon, this is a great day to hop on the internet and share philosophical conversations with like-minded individuals who hold the same values and beliefs you do. Your tarot card the Magician will breathe new life and energy into all the creative projects you begin this week, assuring that you’re off to a good start before 2024 dawns next week.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll be in the mood to spend time with others today, soaking up as much fun and information as you can!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

TUESDAY: You may have mixed emotions about the path a personal relationship is taking, but your intuition will confirm that you’re moving in the right direction. There will be a lot on your social plate this afternoon, and you’re certain to run into one of your favorite people. This evening, use rose incense or essential oils and let them infuse your home with warmth and love. Meditate about relationships under the Pisces Moon tonight to gain a more spiritual perspective of the joy and purpose they bring to your life.

KEEP IN MIND: Interacting with others will be a theme today; enjoy the fun and laughter they bring into your life!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

WEDNESDAY: You could discover that you’re operating under a false illusion when the Aries Moon starts to cast a dose of reality (or a bucket of water) over your plans. Remember, discussing your concerns with a trusted friend is the best way to get a more balanced perspective of a situation. You may prefer quiet time over social gatherings this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: It always helps when we can see things through another’s eyes; ask a trusted friend for their opinion today.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

THURSDAY: The Sun will enter Capricorn today and mark the beginning of a rebirth cycle and a new season. The ideas you present to others will be met with wholehearted approval under the Aries Moon. If you adjust your schedule just a bit, you’ll discover extra time that can be put to use on a new project or personal interest. Meditate with a diamond or ruby, as these precious stones can offer you a clearer view of the future and the wonderful things to come in 2024.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t be afraid to ask for help today; there’s power in numbers!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

FRIDAY: You’ll have to put one foot in front of the other to maneuver through this rather challenging day, but thanks to the Capricorn Sun, you’ll do just fine. The Taurus Moon could have everyone around you clamoring for attention, and you may well wonder why there’s no time for you! Solitary activities will keep you centered, so don’t pay attention to what everyone else is doing, just enjoy the peace and quiet and move to the “beat of your own drum!”

KEEP IN MIND: Forget about asking for help, as others are too wrapped up in their own projects. You’ll operate better when you do things on your own today.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SATURDAY: Under the Taurus Moon, you’ll be running around making last-minute preparations for the holidays. Pace yourself, especially when it comes to spending, as you’ve already exceeded your budget twice over! Tonight, take some time to regroup and restore your inner balance, choosing to focus on your own needs over what everyone else is expecting from you. The Capricorn Sun will inspire you to make great changes in 2024, so meditate for guidance and inspiration.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll be all over the map today, rushing here and there to take care of last-minute obligations, but once evening falls, reserve time for you!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTUITION – “Thanks to the intuitive guidance I receive from Spirit, I can open my mind and heart to the possibilities!” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: Start your day with a meditation of gratitude to set a spiritual tone for the weekend under the Gemini Moon. You’ll be on the run this morning, dashing out to take care of last-minute preparations. There’s still a bit of work you’ll want to get off your plate before diving into the fun tonight, so don’t procrastinate! Spend the evening engaged with loved ones or reflecting on happy memories from the past.

KEEP IN MIND: This is the holiday you’ve been working towards for the last two months, so enjoy!