

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

MONDAY: Even the smallest change you make now will bring success, thanks to the Sun’s entry into “breakthrough” Aquarius. This morning’s Sagittarius Moon will help you get a jumpstart on the day, waking you early to complete or eliminate any projects that are still hanging over your head. The time you spend with loved ones tonight will restore your emotional balance, a gift of the Aquarius Sun. Your tarot card the Sun will increase your financial abundance this week, in the most karmic of ways!

KEEP IN MIND: Start the week off by clearing those annoying unfinished tasks out of your way.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

TUESDAY: If you shift your approach from reactive to proactive under the Sagittarius Moon, you’ll be empowered to handle any situation that comes your way. Dress in yellow to enhance your confidence and determination. Before making a personal change, let others who may be affected know what you are up to, so there’s no upset down the road. This evening, you’ll discover the perfect way to build more trust in your relationships; just practice honesty, consistency, and integrity in all you do.

KEEP IN MIND: Integrity isn’t just about doing the right thing; it’s also about letting others know (upfront), what your intentions are.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

WEDNESDAY: To help you accept any limitations you encounter under the Capricorn Moon today, wear silver jewelry, known to generate grace and patience. The Aquarius Sun will present you with an innovative way to improve your finances, which everyone else will think is crazy! (It WILL work though.) A friend has an efficient method of organization that could cut the time you spend on housework or paperwork in half; ask them how they do it.

KEEP IN MIND: Even the most outlandish of ideas is possible today, so follow your instincts and feel free to act on a hunch!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

THURSDAY: In order to move forward in the most effective way possible, it’s time to set new boundaries and limits under the self-preserving Capricorn Moon. Wear yellow, as it carries the power to speed healing or increase your powers of concentration. A phone call this evening could alter your plans for the upcoming weekend, so be open to last-minute changes. Tonight, meditate about an annoying health issue you’re having; it’s the ideal way to access a solution that actually works!

KEEP IN MIND: Limits, boundaries, and discipline are essential today (if you’re ready to move on your dreams, that is!)


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

FRIDAY: Light some rain incense or disperse essential oils first thing this morning to refresh your space and center your body, mind, and spirit. Keeping your emotional balance could be a challenge today, as those around you tend to send mixed messages. The Aquarius new Moon is sure to awaken your imagination and bring out your artistic side today, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to indulge in creative projects or activities this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Emotions can be tricky; they always carry important messages, but you’ll have to swim through the feelings to find out what they are!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

SATURDAY: Happy Chinese New Year of the Rat! You’ll need to take an objective stance when others come to you for advice under the Aquarius Moon, as expressing your personal feelings will hinder your ability to help them. You can find something you misplaced a few weeks ago if you’ll search one more time, in areas you’ve already looked at. You’ll receive a spontaneous invitation to socialize with some unique and fascinating people tonight.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t get caught up in the emotional hurricane that persists today; just take cover!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Times of quiet reflection are essential to my inner balance. Meditation uplifts my perspective, revealing the gifts hidden in my struggles.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Orange, Number: 8)

SUNDAY: Express your individuality and take advantage of your personal freedoms under today’s Aquarius Sun: In other words, put yourself first! You’ll relax with loved ones or chat with friends online under the Aquarius Moon, where you’ll be able to share your ideas or concerns with abandon. Dress in white before meditating about the wonderful gifts that have come into your life over this past month, as this color can offer you a peek into the future and many blessings that are yet to come.

KEEP IN MIND: This is one of those fun, easy-going Sundays; enjoy!