Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
MONDAY: Make sure you keep a promise to a loved one under today’s Pisces Moon, even if it means passing on a more interesting invitation or postponing an appointment. When you notice you are short of cash, stop and consider how often you are footing the bill for others needs and then, make a commitment to put your self first. Your tarot card the Empress will encourage you to share your wisdom and experience to help empower others on their spiritual paths.
WATCH OUT FOR: lack of follow-through and selfishness
AIM FOR: integrity and financial boundaries
KEEP IN MIND: Breaking promises just isn’t your style; even if you’d rather be doing something else, resist the urge to change plans or put things off.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
TUESDAY: Your imagination will soar today, inspiring you to put your own personal touches on a project or activity. The generosity you’ve offered another in the past will return to you under today’s Pisces Moon, just when you need it most! Turn down an offer to socialize tonight; you’ll need some down time to rest and recharge. Light sage incense before bed to alleviate the restless sleep or free-floating anxiety you’ve been battling the last few nights.
WATCH OUT FOR: free-floating anxiety and restlessness
AIM FOR: adding a bit of creativity to all you do and restoring your energy banks
KEEP IN MIND: We never know when an act of kindness will come back to bless us; today, you’ll find out!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
WEDNESDAY: Though you’ll be tempted to take shortcuts today, skipping steps or taking chances will only work against you. Patience and endurance are the quickest way to your goals, insuring a strong foundation and substantial results; in other words, “Just do it!” Dress in black and you’ll be better able to process anxious feelings that crop up unexpectedly. Call or text a dear friend under this evening’s inquisitive Pisces Moon and see what they’ve been up to.
WATCH OUT FOR: skipping steps and impatience
AIM FOR: disciplined movement and affection
KEEP IN MIND: It’s like turning to the last page of an exciting book to find out what happened: skipping ahead will just ruin the journey, so practice patience and let things unfold naturally.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
THURSDAY: The precision-oriented Aries Moon will encourage you to review your finances with a fine tooth comb today. Extra cash you discover should be invested or put into a savings account that will pave the way to a personal dream. Others will finally begin to notice the changes you’ve been making to improve your health, and they’ll want to know how you’re doing it. Tonight, light a few red candles to awaken your inner muse, and then get creative!
WATCH OUT FOR: mindless spending and pessimism
AIM FOR: creating better boundaries and sharing the secrets of your success
KEEP IN MIND: This will be a lucky day for you – watch for extra cash and positive affirmations to come your way.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
FRIDAY: Wear gold to help you bring your finances back into balance under today’s Aries Moon, as well as to attract more growth and stability in the future. Make an appointment with the doctor or natural healer to resolve a nagging health problem; you’ve suffered with it long enough. You may face an important decision this evening, but with no facts available, you’ll have to rely on the intuitive powers of the Cancer Sun. In other words, pay close attention to how you feel, rather than what you think.
WATCH OUT FOR: financial imbalance and minor health problems
AIM FOR: taking better care of yourself and making your decisions intuitively
KEEP IN MIND: This is a “take care of business” kind of day, but once you’re done, you’ll get to spend the rest of the weekend worry-free!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
SATURDAY: Start your day by restoring order to your personal surroundings, then declare the rest of Saturday just for you. Under the Taurus Moon, you may feel more emotional than usual. All your relationships can profit from honest and open discussions this evening; remember to share from the heart.
WATCH OUT FOR: cluttered spaces and emotional imbalance
AIM FOR: restoring order and honest discussions
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t try to solve all your problems by yourself; confide in a trusted friend or schedule a reading with your favorite psychic!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “I enlighten those around me by sharing my experience, faith and hope. My past lessons are of greatest value when I can use them to help others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
SUNDAY: Share your time with loved ones under today’s bonding Taurus Moon, extending as well as accessing strength and inspiration from them. A karmic meeting could change your direction in the most surprising of ways, so be on the alert for an intriguing stranger to cross your path. Wear or carry a jade or peridot, as these stones can help you assimilate new information more quickly, which will come in handy when you find yourself going over paperwork or studying this evening.
WATCH OUT FOR: confusing thoughts and isolation
AIM FOR: spiritual clarity and loving interaction
KEEP IN MIND: You won’t learn much by hiding out at home; go out in the world and see what amazing insights come your way!