Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
MONDAY: You could be juggling too many things at once, so step back and prioritize your commitments today. Get your work done early to free up your schedule for the rest of the day so you can attend personal or creative pursuits. Your tarot card this week is the High Priestess, which will inspire you to increase your involvement in a creative or spiritual group. Spend the evening with someone who has a gift for making you laugh under the fun-loving Taurus Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: It’s time to start delegating, as there’s no way you can possibly keep up the pace with all the things on your plate!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
TUESDAY: If you have any hopes of reclaiming your balance today, you’ll need to restore order and finish up old business first thing this morning. The Pisces Sun will allow you to see things more clearly than others, making you quite the sage when they come to you for help. Dress in yellow, as it can speed the healing of a recent medical procedure or emotional imbalance. The Taurus Moon will encourage you to get to bed early this evening so that you can catch up on some much-needed rest.
KEEP IN MIND: Chop wood, carry water. Just doing what’s on your list will take up most of your day anyway, so pace yourself.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
WEDNESDAY: Today’s Gemini Moon will inspire a fresh start on a project that is dear to your heart, as it raises your creative talents and stimulates your mind. You’ll have to be patient with a loved one who starts talking or acting out in unusual ways this afternoon. Trust that they will soon come to their senses and regain their balance without your help or advice. Sandalwood incense or essential oil carries the power to refresh your outlook, so light or diffuse some to gain a fresh perspective.
KEEP IN MIND: People don’t always do things the way you think they should, but amazingly enough, they always end up landing on their feet (just like you), so don’t worry.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
THURSDAY: You’ll be more intuitive than usual under today’s Gemini Moon. Make physical activity a priority, as it can help you feel more stable and keep your thoughts centered in reality. Clean out the garage or attend your garden to honor the start of the season and to create space for new life to blossom. You can send protective spiritual energy to a faraway loved one through meditation tonight, which will help alleviate any concerns about their safety.
KEEP IN MIND: Make room for your new life today; it’s just around the corner!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
FRIDAY: You’ll find yourself ready to share with others on a more personal level under today’s Cancer Moon, which promotes honesty and expression. If you are willing to let go of something you have that no longer serves you, the Universe is sure to replace it with something better. Set aside some special time with your family tonight, as they’ve been missing your company. Purple candles can enhance your psychic abilities, so light a few this evening and then take a look into the future.
KEEP IN MIND: Spirit can’t bring you something new if you refuse to let go of the past. Make a clean break today and prepare for great things!
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
SATURDAY: It’s best to develop a project in stages today, so start with a plan of action on paper before taking it into real life, and be sure to consider all the aspects. When you engage in some honest communication and old-fashioned compromise under the Cancer Moon, you’ll be able to restore balance to your closest relationships. Purple can make it easier than ever to access your psychic powers, so wear some or focus on an amethyst crystal during your evening meditation.
KEEP IN MIND: It’s easy to get ahead of yourself today, but doing so will just delay your progress; remember to take things one step at a time.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVERSALS – “I remain open and flexible when I encounter reversals in direction. I maintain a spiritual focus and trust in my process completely.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bat, Color: Green, Number: 9)
SUNDAY: The Cancer Moon will be on a mission to unite you with others today, placing you in the company of innovative people who can add power to your dreams. Remember this – if you listen closely to another’s ideas (rather than assuming you already have all the answers), you’ll learn something very important! Wear or carry a quartz crystal with you today and make a point of meditating with it this evening, as this stone is known for its ability to add clarity and power to all you say, do, and think.
KEEP IN MIND: Have an open mind today; you could learn something (hint, hint)!