Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I move through my days with spiritual consciousness, making adjustments as I go. Living in the moment allows me to grow and prosper in the most effective ways possible.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wren, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

SATURDAY: Once you attend to those minor chores that have been impossible to get over the last few weeks, that nagging feeling that’s been hanging over you will disappear. A walk in nature can clear emotional or mental conflict and help you shift your focus to experience the miracles that surround you every day. Buy yourself a little something under the indulgent Gemini Moon, even if it means going over your budget. Pick up some green candles while you’re at it, and meditate with them to restore inner joy.

KEEP IN MIND: Believe it or not, you can finally get caught up today. What a great feeling that will be!