Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of MEDITATION – “Simple changes in my actions and thoughts will free me of current troubles. In order to reach my goals, I seek spiritual guidance through prayer and meditation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Gold, Number: 4)

MONDAY: When blocks pop up first thing this morning, step back and turn your attention inward instead of trying to force your way through. Your best friend or partner will do something totally out of character, but don’t worry; they know what they’re doing. The Libra Moon will insist you give yourself some downtime this evening before a busy weekend kicks off, so relax! . The Empress is your tarot card this week, inspiring you to combine intuitive thought with action to create the abundant life you desire.

KEEP IN MIND: Remember, when one door closes another will open, so keep trying those knobs until one turns!