Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of DECISIONS – “When I follow my intuition, it is easy to make the decisions that are in my best interest. Spirit guides my movements, assuring that I am always on the right path.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)
WEDNESDAY: The Aries Moon will be in the business of inspiring you to make positive changes that are sure to have a very positive effect on your lifestyle. The Aquarius Sun will add a creative tone to all your communications, so call up those people you’ve been meaning to connect with. You may have to postpone your weekend plans, but the delay will end up working out best for everyone involved. Carry a lapis lazuli stone with you, as it can surround you with extra protection and keep you out of harm’s way.
KEEP IN MIND: Touch base with your loved ones today; you’ll be amazed at what they have to say!