Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “Objectivity and trust allow the Universe to guide and influence my movements. My world looks brighter as I gain a more spiritual perspective of current circumstances.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

WEDNESDAY: You could find yourself irritated when the Sagittarius Moon upends your plans, so promise yourself you’ll go with the flow, rather than attempting to change things. The rebel in you will want to stir up old grievances today, but staying quiet is the best way to go, so keep those thoughts to yourself. Power up your intuitive skills with a new spiritual practice; update your meditation space or try your hand with a divination tool such as a pendulum, tarot cards, or a crystal ball.

KEEP IN MIND: Do you really want to bring up that old resentment from months ago and ruin everyone’s day? I didn’t think so…