Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I view my current situations with elevated perspective and objectivity. I see the gifts in any circumstance by relaxing and getting in touch with my spiritual center.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: White, Number: 1)

SATURDAY: Wear or carry a quartz crystal with you today to keep your words and emotions in check. Keeping your opinions to yourself might avoid an argument, but it could also make a problem worse than it was in the first place. A time of meditation or journaling can help you determine if what you are feeling is accurate, which is essential before you express your displeasure with a loved one. Do a little research under tonight’s Scorpio Moon for that perfect gift, and you’ll find just what you’re looking for!

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t jump to conclusions today; if something seems confusing, simply bide your time until you learn more.