Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of BALANCE – “I practice self-care to restore my overall balance. When I keep my focus on Spirit and attend my own needs, the remainder of my day takes care of itself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: Social gatherings or a romantic getaway can add an air of fun to your day, providing you with a much-needed break under the Gemini Moon. Someone from your past could reappear and lay a misunderstanding to rest once and for all. Your ability to be objective can help you from acting too quickly or speaking out of turn tonight, which will save you from having to backtrack, apologize, or reverse your decisions over the next few days.

KEEP IN MIND: Whatever you buy today will most likely have to be returned before the week is over: Save all your receipts!