Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of CHALLENGES – “I give thanks for the current challenges in my life. I trust they will lead me to a better place and know they will bring endless gifts in the process.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

WEDNESDAY: Spiritual insights will come at you from all directions today; all you have to do is practice closer observations of others! To move with more peace, focus on the freedoms you have rather than the restrictions. The Aries Moon could bring out your indulgent side, so resist the temptation to overspend, exaggerate the facts, or make promises you can’t keep. Light cinnamon incense or diffuse essential oils this evening, as they can “spice up” all you have to say.

KEEP IN MIND: Positive thinking is essential to your serenity today; don’t sweat the small stuff!