Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of LOVE – “An abundance of love surrounds me, and I trust in the benevolence of the Universe. My movements and thoughts are heart-based, allowing me to move with faith and to act as a channel for Spirit.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

SUNDAY: Thanks to the karmic Scorpio Sun, you’ll finally be able to release a long-held grudge and let bygones be bygones. Your attempts to change another will be fruitless, meaning that your only option is to change yourself. A little time of soul-searching can help you integrate all you’ve learned over the past few weeks, so journal under the Aquarius Moon for greater understanding. Light a few blue candles during your evening meditation to attract your spirit guides in for an enlightening chat.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ve heard it before, but it’s still the truth; the fastest way to change what someone else is doing is to change what you’re doing!