Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I examine my motives regularly to ensure I am in sync with the Universe. Spiritual integrity assures the best possible outcome in all I do, say, and experience.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

FRIDAY: It’s best to keep to yourself rather than interact with others today, biding your time until ethereal energies clear. The Aquarius Moon could bring out your temperamental side if you don’t get your way, another reason to opt for solitude. You’ve taken on some extra responsibilities and may be feeling pressured to get it all done at once; don’t worry, if you pace yourself you’ll be able to get to it all. Socializing will be a priority this evening; give yourself a break and have some fun!

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll be much more productive if you move solo today, as others will simply slow you down.