Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of CHALLENGES – “Spiritual perception allows me to see the purpose and wisdom behind current challenges. I bow to Universal timing, trust that all is as it should be, and continue on my path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

FRIDAY: You could find yourself at a loss or in need of a spiritual tune-up today, so start your morning with a much-needed meditation. That way, the rest of your day will run more smoothly. Be willing to meet someone halfway when an upset occurs at work, moving past your ego or pride to restore harmony under the Sagittarius Moon. The joy of giving will far surpass any gifts you’re anticipating, so plan a romantic evening with the one you love; be willing to make all the plans, and, to foot the bill!

KEEP IN MIND: It could be that you’re getting in your own way, so when you run up against any walls today, stop and check to make sure you aren’t the one who built them!