

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

MONDAY: Don’t assume everyone knows how you feel; it’s time to speak up! Your acknowledgment of the people who nurture and support you will encourage them to do even more for you. Your generous nature will be on display now, but take care, as it could result in your giving away something you need. Armed with the discerning power of the Scorpio Moon, think things through before you make a non-reversible decision. Your tarot card the Star will insist you keep following your dreams, no matter what!

KEEP IN MIND: Avoid making any lasting decisions or statements today, as your mood and mind will be changing on an hourly basis.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

TUESDAY: Make an honest appraisal of a health concern to discover how you are contributing to the problem; from there, you can take affirmative action to improve the situation. Your finances appear to be out of balance, but thanks to the Scorpio Moon, you’ll be able to restore order with just a few simple adjustments. Spend some time in nature this afternoon to clear your head and regain your perspective. Light amber or sage incense while you meditate, known for their ability to generate a return to balance.

KEEP IN MIND: How did everything get out of balance? Never mind how, the goal today is to get it all back on track.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

WEDNESDAY: Once the Sun enters Virgo today, you’ll be ready to take a project off the drawing board and make it a reality. The Scorpio Moon could bring out your idealistic side today, which could work against you if expectations aren’t met: Practice patience and tolerance with others to avoid any upset. Dress in blue to help you keep track of all the messages Spirit sends your way as Mercury turns retrograde. Nurture yourself with a creative pastime this evening to help you regroup after a challenging day.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll just set yourself up for disappointment if you expect others to follow the same high standards you operate under; just remember to keep your own integrity and disciplines intact.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: A leap of faith will move you forward today as your ruler Mercury moves into Libra and inspires you to cast off the limits of the past to chase after a brand new dream! Confide in a trusted friend or loved one to clear up any illusion that is generating false fear or worry. Conversations heat up under the Sagittarius Moon, and you could discover an amazing secret about someone you thought you knew so well. You’ll need to get to bed early tonight, as a busy weekend awaits!

KEEP IN MIND: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes your way today; don’t let it pass you by!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

FRIDAY: If you embrace change rather than resisting it, you can move past the blocks you’ve been fighting. Grieving a loss will water seeds for the future, as you cry away the remains of the past and begin anew. Your idealism could get you into trouble today, so dress in light blue to widen your perspective and diffuse frustration. A new friend or partner could enter your life under tonight’s Sagittarius Moon, so make it a point to get out and socialize.

KEEP IN MIND: It’s never easy to let go of the past, but once you do, it won’t be long before you are wondering why you waited so long!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

SATURDAY: The Capricorn Moon will make for an easygoing day. Get your chores out of the way early so you can relax for the rest of the weekend. You may find yourself drawn to a “familiar stranger” that you’ve shared a past life with or, you could pick up the phone and be greeted by a dear friend you’ve lost contact with. Light a white candle before you meditate; it will empower your dreams to reveal a karmic glimpse of the future.

KEEP IN MIND: This is the day you’ll run across a significant person from your past, or possibly, a past life!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I remain open and willing to move with the ups and downs of life. I seek spiritual guidance, adjust to what is, and trust in the direction I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

SUNDAY: You may feel overwhelmed with emotions under today’s Capricorn Moon, so focus on nurturing yourself in spiritual ways. Spend some time in meditation or journaling to get to the important messages your feelings are trying to tell you. It will help if you carry or wear an amethyst stone, known for its power to heal. You’ll feel more sociable by nightfall thanks to Mars’ move into Libra, so hop on the internet and chat with friends. You’ll need to get to bed early tonight though, as a busy week lies ahead.

KEEP IN MIND: It’s easy to get thrown off by unexpected emotions today, but don’t try to run from them; stop and listen to what they’re trying to tell you.