Capricorn Horoscopes


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

MONDAY: Think abundance! Financial restrictions are easier to accept when you focus on the gifts you do have, rather than those still out of your reach. Your tarot card Temperance will remind you to be gentle with yourself and trust in the process this week, rather than trying to force things to happen. Tonight, immerse yourself in a creative project and let your imagination run wild under the Aquarius new Moon!

KEEP IN MIND: There’s just two things you need to keep in mind today – abundance consciousness and flexibility.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

TUESDAY: Happy Chinese New Year of the Pig! Listing your concerns on paper can put you in a better position to resolve them. New information will arrive that will shift your perception of a situation, making it even more difficult to make an important decision. Burn amber incense or diffuse amber essential oils as you meditate on the changes you’d like to make over the coming months, as they can illuminate a quicker path to your goals. The Aquarius Moon will awaken the romantic in you tonight, inspiring a bold move in matters of the heart.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re on a search for clarity today – even if what you learn is counterintuitive to your goals.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

WEDNESDAY: A recent investment will start to pay off handsomely under today’s Pisces Moon, which will inspire you to continue looking for new ways to enhance your financial wealth. You’ll finally be able to catch up on work that got pushed to the back burner over the last few weeks. Emotional struggles could continue to eat at you, so carry quartz crystal to eliminate their influence over your thoughts. A heart-to-heart talk you engage in tonight will reveal information you weren’t aware of, which should brighten your mood.

KEEP IN MIND: You can make great progress today, so dive in!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

THURSDAY: If you ignore money problems they’ll grow like weeds, so bite the bullet and attend to your financial concerns first this morning. An unexpected invitation will bring you into contact with people you would normally not meet, and you could make a valuable connection under the friendly Pisces Moon. Purple can awaken your spiritual side, so add it to your world with candles, clothing or jewelry as a way to invite Spirit into your life.

KEEP IN MIND: You can increase the spiritual glow around you in a very simple way; just surround yourself with purple today.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

FRIDAY: Your willingness to release the old and embrace the new will dictate how much you get done today. Even the smallest change in movement or thought can eliminate a block that’s been slowing your progress for months. When you practice the art of unconditional love, you’ll be able to see the positive traits of others rather than their shortcomings. Meditate with red candles under the Aries Moon, as they can reveal the best way to attract more purpose and success into your life.

KEEP IN MIND: Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes, so today, look around to see where you can do things differently!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

SATURDAY: In a major about face, you may decide to ignore your responsibilities in lieu of adventure, fun or romance today! If you wear silver as a way to spark your imagination, there’s no telling what great ideas could emerge! Don’t forget that emotional balance comes from taking care of your own needs first, and others requests second. The Aries Moon will awaken your creative side, resulting in some wonderful poetry, art or music you can share with your significant other this weekend.

KEEP IN MIND: Your creative side will soar today – put it to good use!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RELATIONSHIPS – “Spirit encourages me to build intimacy and depth in all my relationships, as I allow the power of love to transform me. I express myself with an open heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

SUNDAY: First things first. The Aries Moon will urge you into action this morning, making it easy to complete all that’s on your to-do list. Once you’re done, you’ll be free to access the free-flowing energy that surrounds you as Mercury wades into Pisces. Don’t waste time asking others for their opinions or advice; just follow your heart. A little journaling can reveal the true reason behind a conflict with a loved one, along with the perfect plan for resolving it.

KEEP IN MIND: This could turn out to be the most productive day of your week, so get your running shoes on!