Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
MONDAY: The Aries Moon will empower you today, as it raises your confidence, restores emotional balance, and expands your capacity for unconditional love. The opportunity to earn more money and create the abundance you long for is on the horizon, so be willing to take on the added work and challenges that come your way today. Your tarot card the Empress will evoke your nurturing side this week, as you’re called upon by friends and family to help them with their personal problems.
KEEP IN MIND: Careful what you wish for. You’ve been wanting better pay at work, but are you ready for the challenges that come with it?
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
TUESDAY: Information you run across today will present some surprising ideas for you to consider as Mercury moves into Leo. And thanks to the Aries Moon, everyone will be in a chatty, friendly mood. You can best support a loved one who’s making significant life changes by sharing your personal experience, rather than offering advice. Light sage incense or diffuse essential oils during your evening meditation to remind you of how abundant your life is and, to restore your sense of gratitude.
KEEP IN MIND: Focus on the positives today, as ruminating about the things you lack will only work against you.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
WEDNESDAY: New awareness will come at you from all directions today, a gift of the Aries Moon. What you learn carries the potential to change your perception of a situation or set you on a new course to attainment. Whether it’s information regarding a serious health problem, financial troubles, or a career change, you’ll discover the answers to your most pressing questions. When faced with a difficult decision tonight, spending time in meditation always helps.
KEEP IN MIND: Information is power, and today, each new awareness that comes your way will be just the answer you’ve been looking for!
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
THURSDAY: Your head may be clouded by emotions and desires under the Taurus Moon, making it difficult to make any decisions or commitments today. Someone is waiting on you to resolve a dispute, so be prepared to swallow your pride and make that call or write an email. Dress in white this evening, as it can dissolve any unwarranted fear or worry that might arise unexpectedly. Before bedtime, meditate about a current struggle and ask Spirit to present you with the best resolution.
KEEP IN MIND: Forget about trying to make a decision today; with all the mixed messages flying around, your best bet is to wait until tomorrow.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
FRIDAY: Thanks to the Sun’s entry into Leo today, your social calendar will be full for the next four weeks, as you reconnect with people you haven’t talked to in ages! The Taurus Moon will bring out your competitive side today, urging you to pull out all the stops in your quest to come out on top. Diamonds or a quartz crystal can bring out your romantic side this evening; if you don’t have a significant other at the moment, it’s time to check out the internet dating sites!
KEEP IN MIND: You may feel a bit overwhelmed when everyone turns to you to solve their problems, but let’s face it, you’re the one with the answers!
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
SATURDAY: The Leo Sun will encourage you to break free and have some fun! Take full advantage of this energy, abandoning your regular routine to move with more spontaneity. If you can’t resist the urge to go shopping under today’s Gemini Moon, at least take a few minutes to balance your checkbook before you hit the mall. Light a few white candles before starting your evening meditation, as they can refresh your vision and outlook for the future.
KEEP IN MIND: Go ahead and let your imagination run wild today. The only time you’ll have to pull up the reins is when you start wielding those credit cards!
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “A newfound joy expresses through me, and I am one with the Universe. I practice unconditional love, sharing my optimism freely with the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
SUNDAY: Your current dreams will begin to come to life over the next four weeks, so today, make some preliminary plans on how to proceed. Honor your artistic side by attending a theater performance, music concert, or art exhibit under the creative Gemini Moon. You’ll need to regroup after the high intensity of the last few weeks, so reserve some quiet time for yourself this evening. Bask in the scent of ocean or rain incense or essential oils to wash your aches and pains away, physically as well as emotionally.
KEEP IN MIND: You’re in a lull between two cycles of high activity; give yourself a break before the next one kicks off!