

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

MONDAY: You could experience a few unexpected snags first thing this morning, as the ethereal Cancer Moon tends to shift your direction without warning. Count to ten, regroup, and carry on, as things should clear by midday. Then you can spend the afternoon catching up. Take care with your words tonight, as an unthinking comment could unintentionally hurt a loved one’s feelings. Your tarot card this week is the Emperor, who’ll remind you to practice integrity and follow-through in all you do.

KEEP IN MIND: Think before you speak today; otherwise, an apology will be on your agenda by this evening!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

TUESDAY: Happy Astrological New Year! You could awake in a restless mood as the Sun moves into Aries today, ready for sweeping change. A makeover is a great start for the new season, so set an appointment with your stylist or head to the mall for a new outfit. And on that same note, wear purple today, as this color will attract more spiritually-based friendships your way and strengthen your intuition. The Cancer Moon will encourage you to speak more candidly with your partner or a close friend this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Out with the old, in with the new – change up your appearance or surroundings to mark the start of the astrological new year!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

WEDNESDAY: You could become upset when others try to block your movements today, so rely on the objective energies of the Leo Moon to maintain your composure. Pay close attention to what someone else is saying and be sure to follow all directions; you’ll just end up spinning your wheels if you try to do things your own way. Wear platinum or white gold during your evening meditation to surround yourself with financially-abundant vibrations.

KEEP IN MIND: Listen up! If you don’t, you’re sure to miss important information today.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

THURSDAY: You’ll want to make this a “me” day to restore balance to your heart as well as your head, so give yourself permission to rest, laugh, and play! When you share your fears with an understanding person, they’ll offer a more objective view of things. Wear earth tones and natural fabrics to help you maneuver through the day with more stability. End your day with a guided meditation and explore the potentials of the future with Spirit under the centering Leo Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: Nobody has to tell you twice; you’ve got permission to do “nothing” today!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

FRIDAY: You’ll need to consider a compromise at work to get a project moving again today, so quit digging in your heels and accept the changes that will end the impasse. You could find it difficult to maintain focus under today’s Virgo Moon, so eat more fruits and nuts to keep a light but steady pace. Turn down a social invitation and stick close to home tonight, to regroup after a tiring day. Your psychic powers will soar this weekend, so trust your intuition!

KEEP IN MIND: You’ve got a reputation for playing stubborn when things don’t go your way – cut it out!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

SATURDAY: If you play a little classic rock and roll while you attend to household chores this morning, you can complete them in half the time! That frees you up to spend the rest of the day indulging in fun activities or personal pursuits. A relationship from your past will come to mind under the Virgo Moon and could inspire some journaling or internet sleuthing to gain more insight or see what they’ve been up to. Get to bed early to catch up on the sleep you’ve lost this week.

KEEP IN MIND: Once your chores are done, you can goof off the rest of the day – Enjoy!


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Affirmation for this week of RESPONSIBILITY – “I honor the promises I make to myself and others. I operate with integrity and take responsibility for my words, thoughts, and actions.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Buffalo, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

SUNDAY: Your day will take on a lighthearted tone as you socialize, share recent experiences, and catch up with others under the fun-loving Libra Moon. You’ll be tempted to make an indulgent buy over the Internet, but be prepared to adjust your budget if you do! You should reserve a few hours this evening to organize for the busy week ahead. Light white candles before bedtime and let them calm scattered thoughts to assure a good night’s sleep.

KEEP IN MIND: Before you hit the “Buy Now” button, check your funds to be sure you can afford it!