Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of SECURITY – “I assess my internal as well as external security, making sure that all is in balance. When I operate on solid spiritual ground, manifesting my dreams becomes easy.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Tiger, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)
SUNDAY: You have to accept the reality of a situation before you can change it, which, in essence, means the responsibility will rest on your shoulders. Thanks to the disciplined ways you’ve been attending to your commitments, you’ll find yourself in better health and stronger spiritual shape than ever before. Pamper yourself with a bath or massage tonight to rebalance your physical as well as spiritual levels under tonight’s Aquarius Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: This is no day to play hooky – make a list, take a deep breath, and get back to the art of living!