Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of BLESSINGS – “When I focus on my blessings, I can release the past with ease. As I embrace a mindset of abundance, the smallest of miracles will bring the greatest of joys.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Green, Number: 6)

TUESDAY: You could experience anger or resentment under today’s Virgo Moon, especially if you don’t get your way. Unfortunately, there seems to be a bit of an illusion surrounding your perception of what’s really going on. Though patience is a virtue, you’ll have little of it today, so count to ten before speaking your mind. Tonight, use the spiritual tools of meditation and journaling to reclaim your balance and open your heart to greater blessings and abundance.

KEEP IN MIND: Planetary changes could make you feel like you’re on a roller coaster today, so if you can’t call in sick and hide out under the covers, be sure to take your spirit guides along for the ride!