Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of PURPOSE – “I move with purpose and determination, guided by Spirit. When I allow the Universe to direct all my actions, my efforts always bear fruit.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

FRIDAY: You can finally get to the task of restoring harmony and beauty to your surroundings as Mars moves into Sagittarius. Later, sit down and share your concerns with a trusted friend under the Aries Moon, to break the hold an unfounded fear has on you. Money you’ve been waiting on soon arrive and free you from financial concern. You’ll even have a little left over for a splurge! Wear more yellows and golds today, as they can generate a vibrant reflection of your true spirit out to the world.

KEEP IN MIND: Fear and stress are keeping you stuck; share them with someone who can give you an objective take or journal and turn them over to Spirit for resolution.