Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CHANGE – “I am on the verge of great change, as spiritual messages hint at a wonderful advance into the future. I celebrate each day and cultivate a mindset of joy and anticipation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Chameleon, Color: Blue, Number: 9)

WEDNESDAY: When the Sun dances into Sagittarius first thing this morning you’ll want to review commitments you currently carry, as well as new ones you are considering to get a glimpse into what next month holds. You’ll find it easier to express yourself under today’s Aries Moon: Ask for what you need and prepare to be amazed when the Universe responds to your requests, almost immediately! Make a detailed list of your plans for the weeks ahead to get a sense of what needs to be accomplished, and by when.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re telling everyone else what you need, but you’ll get faster results if you make your request to Spirit instead!