Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of POSSIBILITIES – “To eliminate blocks and frustration, I focus on creating a deeper spiritual connection. The Universe will set endless possibilities before me, and I will reach for them with newfound faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Gold, Number: 4)

THURSDAY: Acceptance will be the answer to all your problems today, so when blocks to movement crop up, don’t waste your time trying to fight fate. A nagging health problem could get worse if you ignore it, so do some research on the internet to find a home remedy. The Libra Moon will encourage you to trust more in the abundance of the Universe and to maintain a faithful attitude. You’ll need some downtime this evening, so opt for solitary activities that feed your soul and nourish your body.

KEEP IN MIND: There’s no need to play “Don Quixote” today. Quit fighting windmills and accept things as being just the way they’re supposed to be.