Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of EMOTIONS – “Emotions carry important messages for me. I allow the expression of my feelings as they pass through and transform me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Green, Number: 2)
TUESDAY: Network with friends and coworkers under today’s information-oriented Virgo Moon, and you’ll learn a lot! Someone has been on your mind for the last few days, so make a call and see what they’ve been up to. The remainder of your week will be quite hectic, so if you can swing it, take the afternoon off. To make a wish for your greatest desire to come true, write it down on paper and then place the note under an indigo candle. That way, Spirit can take it from a simple request into reality!
KEEP IN MIND: There’s a reason someone’s been on your mind; today, give them a call and see what’s going on!