Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of EMOTIONS – “Emotions carry important messages for me. I allow the expression of my feelings as they pass through and transform me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Green, Number: 2)

WEDNESDAY: You’ll finally access enough information to act on a decision today, one that has been months in the making. An unexpected expense could arise when Mars moves into Cancer, and you’ll have to dip into your savings to cover it; don’t worry, you’ll be able to replenish the account before the end of October. It’s time to restore emotional balance under tonight’s Libra Moon, so sit down and reopen the lines of communication between you and a loved one. Once you clear the air, you’ll both feel so much better!

KEEP IN MIND: There’s no need to stress out when an unexpected expense appears today; just be thankful you have what you need to cover it!