Gemini Horoscopes


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

MONDAY: With your ruler Mercury turning retrograde today, nurturing yourself needs to be a priority, and, you should encourage others to do the same. Mars’ move into Pisces could inspire daydreams or fantastical thinking; both carry seeds of truth and potential, so feel free to indulge yourself under the idealistic Virgo Moon. The Emperor will be your tarot card this week, reminding you to nurture, support and protect the loved ones in your life.

KEEP IN MIND: Make this a “me” day and get centered before the holiday chaos begins.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

TUESDAY: You’ll feel a bit grouchy when the Virgo Moon forces you to deal with the realities of the day. Whatever plans you do have, expect them to be interfered with as loved ones seek you out for help or advice throughout the day. Though you’ll feel mired down by annoying little tasks or other people’s agendas, going with the flow is the best way to move through this challenging day. Take heart though; as hard as you work today, that’s how much fun you can have playing tomorrow!

KEEP IN MIND: If you’re smart, you won’t even bother making a schedule today; that way, everything will go according to plan! (Not yours, but somebody’s!)


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

WEDNESDAY: You may feel a bit stressed and hurried as the Sun marches into Capricorn and kicks off a new season today, which could put you on the defensive. You may have to fight off disappointment when things don’t turn out like you expect. Take a few minutes to regroup with some journaling or quiet meditation. Loved ones may scatter as they take care of final preparations, so feel free to make your own plans under the Libra Moon. Your emotional balance returns tonight, and you’ll be ready to celebrate!

KEEP IN MIND: Your high ideals could run headlong into reality today. The lesson? Try to “think” within your means!


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

THURSDAY: Thoughtfulness will be a theme under today’s Libra Moon, so consider others before you make any important decisions. Be cautious if you share resentments or complaints with a friend, as your words could get back to the party in question. It’s time to address the clutter that’s grown up around you over the last two weeks; commit to moving some of it out tonight. Meditate with an emerald or malachite, as these stones can bring clarity and spiritual purpose to all your movements.

KEEP IN MIND: Be mindful of what you share with others today or your words could come back to haunt you!


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

FRIDAY: You’ve set an important deadline for yourself today, and if you make an early start, you could complete it before lunch time. You’ll feel more empowered than ever when the Scorpio Moon reveals a faster path to your current goals. Keep your social interactions light and humorous this evening, and do your best to avoid any topics of a heavy or emotional nature. Dress in earth tones to add extra stability to all you say, think or do.

KEEP IN MIND: Sometimes it’s easier to keep commitments we make to others than it is to ourselves; however, based on the changes you want to make in 2017, it’s essential that you honor the promises you’ve made to yourself today.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SATURDAY: The Scorpio Moon will encourage a day of self-nurturing, relaxation and harmonious interactions with loved ones. To recenter yourself spiritually, take a walk in nature or do a mini-meditation. Then you’ll be ready to entertain and celebrate with loved ones. Wear gold as a reflection of the more refined you that’s about to emerge, as you prepare to move into 2017 with more wholeness, direction and clarity.

KEEP IN MIND: If you feel a bit off center, regroup with some spiritual reflection before the celebrations begin!


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of GRACE – “I move through the holidays with grace and joy. I open my heart to the world as a living example of the true spirit of the season.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: Give yourself permission to enjoy Christmas Day, at least this morning. Once noon hits you’ll be anxious to get busy! The Scorpio Moon will inspire you to call an old friend you haven’t talked with in a while, as it’s time restore this important connection. Refuse to take the blame for something someone else did, but don’t point fingers at them either, as that could come back to haunt you. Sage incense can improve your spiritual outlook, so burn some during your evening meditation as you review the joy of the season.

KEEP IN MIND: Expansion is the name of the game today; once the wrappings and ribbons are cleared away you’ll be in the mood to start something new!