Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
MONDAY: Brilliant ideas will pop into your head all day long as the Sun takes up residence in Pisces. You’ll get the chance to act on an unexpected opportunity today, with wonderful results! Be sure to carve out some time to get your paperwork organized under the Leo Moon or important information could get lost in the shuffle. You can alleviate worry by sharing your concerns with a trusted friend; they’ve been where you are. With the Wheel of Fortune as your tarot card, expect the tides to turn in your favor before the week is out.
KEEP IN MIND: Stop and get organized today, as you won’t have another chance this week to clear the paperwork off your desk.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
TUESDAY: A renewed sense of purpose will surround you under today’s optimistic Virgo full Moon. Others may be affected by the choices you make now, so be sure to let them in on your plans. Map out a time frame for a new project at work to make sure you’ll be able to meet the deadline. A second chance to make a first impression will appear this evening, so wear blue to raise your confidence and powers of persuasion. Before bedtime, meditate on how to create more balance in your life.
KEEP IN MIND: Second chances are few and far between, but thanks to the Pisces Sun, you’ll get one today!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
WEDNESDAY: Spiritual messages will come your way during casual conversations under today’s Virgo Moon, so listen up! With a little self-reflection, you’ll realize you’re operating under a lot of self-imposed limitations that it’s time to release. Make it a point to put yourself first today, and remember that being your best allows you to share with others more effectively. You can expect a wonderful surprise to come your way this evening, from the most unlikely of sources!
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t keep getting in your own way today; pay closer attention to how you’re setting yourself up to fail. Then, “Stop it!”
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
THURSDAY: A sense of sadness or low energy may surround you today, as you’ll be passing through a time of emotional or physical transformation under the Libra Moon. Stand your ground when confronted by someone who refuses to see your side in things; no matter what they think, remember that you get to decide what is best for you. Light a few white candles before your evening meditation, as they will encourage your spirit guides to reveal some important messages.
KEEP IN MIND: Follow your heart today, no matter what anyone else thinks.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
FRIDAY: Things may get off to a slow start this morning, but you’ll finish big by day’s end. You’ll finally be able to make travel plans or buy an expensive item you’ve been eyeing, as extra cash comes to you as if by magic. Romance is on the agenda under this evening’s Libra Moon; take advantage! Pine incense or essential oils can alleviate the scattered sleep cycle you’ve struggled with this week, so use some before bedtime to encourage a good night’s rest.
KEEP IN MIND: If you get blocked from advancing a project this morning, turn your attention to something else and try again in the afternoon.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
SATURDAY: Be careful! With the Sun swimming through Pisces, you must move with caution to avoid mishaps or accidents! Carry turquoise or lapis lazuli stone, as they’ll promote more solid footing and realistic movement. If you can swing it, take a nap this afternoon to catch up on your sleep so you’ll be refreshed for the evening. Social activities you attend will put you in the spotlight under this evening’s Scorpio Moon, so be prepared to share your most interesting stories or latest accomplishments.
KEEP IN MIND: Take it easy today, as you’ll be a bit accident prone with all the watery planetary activity going on in the heavens!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “Spirit awakens my creative side and inspires new ways to bring my dreams into reality. I approach life with new eyes, eager to see where positive change is called for.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Aqua, Number: 12)
SUNDAY: Under today’s Scorpio Moon, you should make restoring balance the priority. Dress in blue, as it can raise your confidence and empower your words. Your current plans could be put on hold for a few weeks; be patient, as the delays will work in your best interest. You can reclaim your inner serenity by spending time with your loved ones tonight. Messages from the spirit world are sure to infiltrate your dreams under the Pisces Sun, so keep a pen and pad handy to write them down.
KEEP IN MIND: The best defense is a good offense. That being said, be proactive in restoring order to your world today.