Birthday Horoscopes by Susyn Blair-Hunt

July 1 – July 31, 2024

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 1
Your spirit guide the Turtle is certain to help you to move with more purpose this year, as it inspires you to set new boundaries and disciplines within yourself. You’ll take a no-nonsense approach to life, developing new methods for living that produce faster and more tangible results. To restore your sense of Cancer balance, immerse yourself in more spiritual or therapeutic work, as both will help you to clear lingering emotions from the past. Devote more time to your loved ones, as outside pressures have created a distance over the last few months. When you share a creative talent with the outside world, you could discover a secondary source of income. You’ll bring closure to a long-standing financial or legal matter by the end of this year, which will enable you to move more freely into 2024. Your power color is green, so add it to your wardrobe and surroundings to attract more financial stability and greater love. Your lucky months will be July and December. Your lucky numbers are 1, 4, 19, 21 and 23.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 2
Your self-love and confidence grow dramatically this year, as you attract new friends and opportunities to you as if by magic. You’ll insist on more balanced and committed relationships now, as your Cancer nature looks for connections with depth and soul. The physical and spiritual disciplines that keep you balanced have been hit and miss lately, so recommit to honoring them every day. To operate with the greatest balance and effectiveness, you’ll have to start addressing your own needs first before attending to others. You can create more harmony at home by updating or redecorating your home to reflect the new you that emerges this year. Green can increase your creativity and attract more love your way, so add it to your surroundings with candles, houseplants, and artwork. Your spirit guide will be the Hummingbird, who’ll help you manifest endless joy in all you do and experience. Your lucky months will be October and January. Your lucky numbers are 2, 9, 15, 22 and 37.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 3
You’ll move with more determination and purpose this year, which will make personal success much easier to attain. It is time to let go of an association that limits your growth and seek out healthier friendships and greater love. Spend more time in meditation and spiritual studies to increase your faith and experience greater access to the Divine. The opportunity for international travel could present itself this year, providing a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that expands your horizons and inspires your artistic Cancer soul. Assign blue as your power color to promote better communication and more effective self-expression. Add it to your personal surroundings and wardrobe to improve all your relationships. The Horse serves as your spirit guide this year, promoting stealth, advancement and the ability to weather any down cycles you encounter. Watch for a windfall of cash to come your way in early 2024. Your lucky months will be October and February. Your lucky numbers are 1, 9, 10, 14 and 23.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 4
Your spirit guide is the Bear this year, the ideal icon as you emerge from a time of hibernation and begin moving back out into the world. Health challenges will begin to clear when you discover and implement more holistic disciplines designed to restore balance, both physically and emotionally. Your dedication at work will finally pay off, resulting in a raise or promotion before the end of this year. To restore balance to a love relationship, insist that the other party take responsibility for their own happiness, just as you do yours. Your Cancer sense of fair play can help you to see things more objectively this year, which will come in handy at work as well as at home. Expect more travel in 2024, when you’re offered an advanced position at work. Earth tones can assure more grounded movement and solid footing, so add these colors to your surroundings and wardrobe to manifest increasing stability over the coming year. Your lucky months will be July and March. Your lucky numbers are 2, 7, 9, 16 and 27.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 5
Relationships of all types will be your primary focus this year, as you’ll be on a mission to create greater intimacy and closeness with all those around you. You have the power to change anything in your life now; all you have to do is invite Spirit to join you in your efforts. Commit to meditating or journaling daily to manifest greater self-knowledge and attainment. Your financial balance can be restored in a few months, as long as you are willing to take the advice of an expert and commit to a more disciplined budget. Sign up for a creative class to nurture your artistic Cancer side. A career change may be in the cards by January, as you’ve grown weary of the commitments and limits of your current job. Green can surround you with a greater sense of balance and protection, so add it to your world with fabrics, candles, and jewelry. Your spirit guide the Elk will inspire you to join more group activities this year and in the process, expand your friendships. Your lucky months will be July and November. Your lucky numbers are 2, 4, 8, 21 and 37.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 6
The next twelve months will carry a magical quality to them as your Cancer charm opens new doors and attracts an array of fascinating people into your life. Your dreams will be easier to manifest when you agree to join forces with others. Asking for what you want will produce quick results, so let others know what you need. You’ll be inspired to entertain more this year, inviting friends old and new over for more social activities and fun. You can improve your energy and confidence by increasing your physical activity; that way, you’ll be ready to embrace any new opportunities that come your way this year. To increase your connection to Spirit, choose purple as your power color and add touches of it to your surroundings with candles, gemstones, and clothing. Your spirit guide will be the Ant, who’ll remind you that it takes diligence and patience to build the security, love, and success you desire. Your lucky months will be September and March. Your lucky numbers are 7, 11, 15, 17, and 29.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 7
Your ability to maintain your Cancer balance could be a challenge this year, as you head full speed into new opportunities designed by Spirit to guarantee your greatest dreams will come true. Resist making any decisions or major changes until the end of the year, but begin to develop a plan of action so you can charge ahead in January. Your spirit guide will be the Fox, who’ll encourage your cleverness, stealth, and determination while increasing your ability to sway others to your way of thinking. You can become more connected to your inner truths and intuition through a class on meditation or spiritual development. You’ll construct a new financial plan and streamline monthly expenses to create more growth. Health concerns can be eliminated with a change in diet or a simple medical procedure. Surround yourself with yellows and golds this year and add them to your world to increase your personal power and physical health. Your lucky months will be July and November. Your lucky numbers are 2, 6, 14, 33 and 38.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 8
You’ll move through the world with increased vibrancy this year, experiencing greater levels of confidence, which allow you to honor your spiritual truths more consistently and express yourself openly to the world. Opportunities for advancement will come your way in almost every area of your life. A career change is in the works, as you are now ready to release security in place of personal satisfaction and higher purpose. Partnerships carry the power to expand your Cancer heart, so remember to devote more time to your love life. You’ll be inspired to share your talents on a more global level, encouraging others through writing or motivational speeches. Your spirit guide the Spider will compel you to keep a daily journal this year, to record the many inspired thoughts you want to share. Blues and indigos can add a deeper sense of harmony to your thoughts as well as your movement, so add them to your world with clothing, gemstones, and candles. Your lucky months will be July and November. Your lucky numbers are 1, 5, 7, 11 and 21.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 9
Unexpected changes are sure to keep you on your toes this year, and maintaining your Cancer balance could be the biggest challenge you face. Trust that unexpected shifts will work in your favor, resolving long-standing issues and clearing out the past once and for all. A partner will be able to contribute more financially this year, easing the limits you’ve struggled with over the last two years. Begin a daily journal, as it can reveal your deepest desires as well as defining new dreams. In the process, you’ll receive guidance on what to act on and what to release. Your spirit guide the Dolphin will encourage you to seek a greater understanding of yourself and others through spiritual practices; you can rely on it to illuminate your past as well as your future from a more metaphysical perspective. Incorporate purple into your wardrobe and surroundings this year to increase your spiritual reception and inner harmony. Your lucky months will be August and February. Your lucky numbers are 4, 13, 17, 23 and 47.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 10
A more adventurous side of your Cancer soul will emerge this year, leading you into a variety of places you’ve never ventured before. Your relationships hold the key to future growth and expansion, so honor all commitments you make with loved ones. As you divide your time equally between career and personal activities, your creative side will reawaken. You should take care not to embrace too many projects or commitments over the coming months, as balance in all areas will be a theme this year. The color aqua carries the power to center and aligns all your movements within, so incorporate this soothing color into your wardrobe and personal surroundings to empower your connection to Spirit. Your spirit guide the Lizard will encourage you to dream big, enlarge your spiritual view, and live each moment to its fullest, resulting in greater inner contentment. Your lucky months will be August and November. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, 12, 18, and 29.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 11
You’ll find yourself making better choices this year, as you make note of both your assets and liabilities and begin to capitalize on the positive. You’ll devote more time to meditation, journaling, and personal growth, making spiritual advancement a priority. Love relationships will keep your Cancer soul content, as their presence in your life helps you maintain balance and keep your priorities straight. Research a medical issue on the internet or through publications to discover new treatment options, as this is the year you will finally experience a return to optimum health. Take a creative class to expand your knowledge, skills and to promote interaction with people who share your interests. Surround yourself with white, a color that brings clarity of mind, heart, and spirit. Your spirit guide the Dog will strengthen your loyalty and increase your willingness to go the extra mile for loved ones this year. Your lucky months will be August and December. Your lucky numbers are 2, 7, 11, 22 and 32.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 12
You’ll become involved in more humanitarian causes that inspire your Cancer soul this year, as you’re on a mission to make the world a better place. Take or teach a class on a creative subject that intrigues you, as it will offer you the chance to express your own artistic talents out to the world. To experience more intimacy and depth in all your relationships, practice clearer communication and speak from the heart. You’ll be on a lucky streak for the next six months and fortune could come your way with the spin of a wheel or a surprise gift of money. Expect to travel more over the next twelve months, for business as well as pleasure. Yellow can increase your balance, stability, and joy, so incorporate this color into your world with clothing, artwork, and candles. Your spirit guide the Dragonfly will encourage you to reach for the stars this year, as it will be easier than ever to access your greatest dreams. Your lucky months will be November and February. Your lucky numbers are 4, 12, 20, 35 and 37.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 13
Set your goals high this year and make a firm commitment to yourself to reach them, no matter what. Keep a close eye on finances and practice more discipline in your spending habits, to correct the constant dance you’ve been doing with money. Explore creative activities that feed your soul and inspire your Cancer quest for beauty and harmony, within and without. When you research new information or get a second opinion about a medical condition, you’ll discover holistic options for eliminating it. Be generous with your time and give more attention to your loved ones this year. You can increase your success at work by adding touches of gold, your power color, to your professional wardrobe and office decor. Your spirit guide the Wolf will help you to connect with people who can advance your career, along with helping you to detach from connections that are holding you back. Your lucky months will be November and May. Your lucky numbers are 6, 8, 12, 20 and 34.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 14
Creating healthier relationships and living in balance is a theme for Cancers, and this year, you can improve on both. As you experience more self-confidence, the doors to new jobs, as well as social circles, will open to you. You should add to your education or teach what you’ve learned to others, devoting time each day to focus on accessing and sharing wisdom. If you start to budget now for a dream vacation, you’ll have more than enough when the time comes to go. Relationships reach a new level of intimacy when you practice expressing yourself more honestly. Choose indigo as your power color to open your heart and mind to greater possibilities. Adding touches of this hue to your wardrobe and surroundings will promote clear thinking. Your spirit guide the Raven envelopes you in magic this year, moving you forward in sudden and karmic ways. Pay close attention to opportunities that appear out of thin air, as these are the ones that are divinely inspired! Your lucky months will be November and February. Your lucky numbers are 2, 7, 11, 19 and 31.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 15
The energy of the Otter will guide you this year, reminding you to be more playful and lighthearted. Health problems that arise will require you to be more disciplined and conscious of your diet and exercise. To generate more balance of body, mind, and spirit, be sure to meditate daily. Restrictions at work may inspire you to change careers this year; do some research to see what your options are. Upgrading your home office or computer equipment can bring you up to date with current trends, as you may want to consider working from home more or starting your own business. When you honor your Cancer intuition you can change the dynamics of your personal relationships, deepening levels of trust, intimacy, and joy. Yellow will serve as your power color this year and can improve your physical health while raising your confidence. Add touches of it to your surroundings with gemstones, clothing, and candles. Your lucky months will be September and January. Your lucky numbers are 4, 18, 19, 27 and 39.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 16
The opportunity to change almost everything in your life becomes available to you this year. New friendships and career opportunities are two areas you’ll see blossoming, and you could find yourself making commitments you would normally shy away from now that your heart is more open. To manifest the joy and contentment your Cancer heart seeks, follow your heart and intuition more often. You are now ready to make the needed changes to create a healthier body and a better sense of well-being, so research new eating and exercise habits. Your money will start to show signs of growth over the next few months, and after the first of the year, financial security returns. Yellows and oranges are colors that inspire your creative nature, so assign them as your power colors to awaken the artist within you. Your spirit guide the Deer will remind you to be gentle with yourself and to spend time in nature every chance you get. Your lucky months will be November and March. Your lucky numbers are 1, 6, 17, 22 and 23.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 17
You should consider a move or remodeling project this year to clear the restrictive energies you’ve been operating under. Once you refresh your surroundings, new opportunities will start to appear as if by magic! Your spiritual faith and optimism will grow stronger as long-held dreams begin to present themselves in karmic and surprising ways. Your relationships become more affectionate and supportive over the next three months, vital to your Cancer desire for emotional security. New career goals may inspire you to return to school or polish your skills with a mentor. Listen closely to your spirit guide the Hawk, and watch for messages that come in threes, as this will affirm them and call for action on your part. Add pink to your surroundings, as this transforming color can open your heart and make it easier to practice unconditional love. Your lucky months will be August and February. Your lucky numbers are 5, 16, 19, 26 and 39.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 18
You are ready to start on the major changes you’ve been contemplating these last few months, so start your birthday with affirmative action. You’ll finally get the recognition you deserve at work, accompanied by a promotion or raise before the end of the year. Getting others to open up to you is just one of your Cancer talents, and this year will play an important role in bringing all your personal relationships back into balance. Your freedoms lie in your disciplines, so make long-term goals a priority over instant gratification. Increasing the time you spend in meditation can expand your psychic and channeling abilities, which will make it easier to see what’s coming next. Surround yourself with purple this year to increase your connection with Spirit. Your spirit guide the Eagle will move you forward into endless opportunities, as it increases your personal power and enables you to soar to new heights! Your lucky months will be August and December. Your lucky numbers are 3, 10, 15, 27 and 38.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 19
New relationships will enter your life this year, filling your world with wonderful friendships that offer more love, affirmation, and inspiration. Your goals for the future will undergo a transformation when you uncover hidden desires through meditation, journaling or therapy. Your Cancer quest for peace and harmony may inspire you to join a volunteer group whose purpose is to uplift and encourage others. Your day-to-day disciplines will be vital to maintaining your balance, so make them a priority. A trip you’ve dreamed of taking for years could become a reality over the next twelve months if you’re willing to budget accordingly. Your spirit guide this year is the Owl, who will offer greater wisdom, patience, and understanding in all you do. Reds and pinks are colors that can open your heart to greater love, so add them to your world with candles, clothing, and gemstones. Your lucky months will be November and March. Your lucky numbers are 5, 14, 16, 24 and 33.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 20
Amazing insights will come your way this year, as a new spiritual teacher joins your midst to awaken your heart and soul. Spend more time in creative pursuits, and sign up for a class or workshop that inspires your Cancer love of the arts. Financial struggles will begin to ease. A windfall of cash in December could inspire a major remodeling project that will bring more harmony to your surroundings. Relationships blossom when you move beyond old fears and take a leap of faith into intimacy. Be patient with changes that are happening on the job, as they’ll end up working in your favor after the first of the year. White clothing, fabrics, and candles can generate more clarity of heart and mind, so surround yourself in this purifying color to empower your every move. The Frog will be your spirit guide and bless you with more vibrant energy, which creates more grounding, success, and purpose in all you do. Your lucky months will be September and April. Your lucky numbers are 7, 13, 19, 24 and 34.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 21
Your Spirit guide this year is the Hawk, who’ll remind you to protect your interests and keep a close eye on what goes on around you. It is vital to your well-being to be involved in a career that is fulfilling as well as challenging, so, if you can’t change your job, take up a personal activity that fulfills your Cancer desire for creative and artistic expression. Your current beliefs could be challenged by a new relationship that enters your life this year, as this person will inspire you to open your mind to new ways of being and thinking. Keep your focus on the moment when presented with things that are out of your control; the Universe has things well in hand. You’ll receive the gift of a dream vacation next May, in a very karmic way. Wear earth tones and add them to your surroundings to assure grounded movement and optimum physical health this year. Your lucky months will be September and April. Your lucky numbers are 4, 6, 18, 21 and 34.

Cancer Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 22
Your spirit guide the Butterfly will bring about amazing transformations this year on an almost monthly basis. A joint financial venture could free you of money worries, so seek out someone reliable to join forces with. Your nurturing ways could work against you if you overlook your own needs, so be mindful not to do for others what they should be doing for themselves. Add more exercise and streamline your diet to improve your physical body, so you’ll have enough energy to address the new activities you embrace this year. Your creative ideas and an optimistic outlook are a gift of your Cancer nature, so share both more freely through volunteer work or mentoring. Your power color will be blue; surround yourself in this balancing hue to add authentic power to all your communications and relationships. A vacation destination you’ve always dreamed about will become a reality in the near future; start saving now! Your lucky months will be August and April. Your lucky numbers are 7, 13, 19, 22 and 23.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 23
The more you rely on your Leo instinct and intuition this year, the greater success you’ll experience. It’s time to address the imbalances in your closest relationships; create greater understanding by sharing more openly with loved ones. Maintaining your financial balance could prove a challenge this year, as unexpected expenses continue to appear. Be sure to put money aside whenever you can to cover the low times. Rather than remaining in a frustrating work situation, it’s time to search for greener pastures or start your own business. You can expect to relocate or take on a major remodeling project later this year. Green is the color of financial abundance, so surround yourself with it and meditate regularly to keep money troubles away. Your spirit guide the Rabbit will encourage you to examine unwarranted fears and then replace them with spiritual faith. Your lucky months will be November and March. Your lucky numbers are 7, 8, 12, 28 and 31.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 24
The Chameleon will be your spirit guide this year, empowering you to transform yourself at any given moment by simply shifting your perspective! When you ask for what you want, you’ll get it, affirming the power as well as the personal responsibility you carry in making your own dreams come true. Money drains can be eliminated with a more regulated budget, so use your Leo tenacity to bring finances back into balance. Partnering with another will bring a business dream to life, and the potential for its success is endless. You’ll move with more security and freedom this year, a gift of the hard work you have done in recent months to attain both. Your creativity will blossom when you select orange as your power color, as it will move you to display your unique talents out to the world. Add touches of this vibrant color to your surroundings to improve your health, outlook, and ability to attract new friends into your life. Your lucky months will be November and May. Your lucky numbers are 5, 16, 22, 24 and 31.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 25
Your self-confidence will be on the rise this year, influenced by your spirit guide the Lion. As you become more open to forming new relationships and social connections, you’ll begin to practice and receive more unconditional love. Career struggles can be resolved by keeping your focus and energy on your own work, instead of worrying whether others complete theirs. When you renew an old friendship this December, you’ll get a second chance to share with someone who understands your Leo nature more deeply than most. Health issues could appear in February, but if you attend them right away, they will be easy to eliminate. Go ahead and start making plans for that vacation you’ve always dreamed about, and trust the Universe will provide the financial ways and means. Surround yourself with red this year, a color that promotes personal power and assures great success in all you do. Your lucky months will be October and March. Your lucky numbers are 3, 4, 14, 25 and 38.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 26
You’ll become more aware of who you are and what will bring you contentment this year, so expect to move with a stronger drive and higher level of confidence. Aligning your dreams with Spirit through meditation will alleviate the subconscious fears that have kept you from acting on new opportunities. If you’ll change how you spend your time, who you give energy to, and the level of integrity and pride you manifest in your work, wonderful changes will occur. The drive for more money will become secondary to your Leo dreams of recognition, and you’ll start to trust the Universe more to provide for all your needs. When you expand your family or circle of friends, they’ll breathe new life into your personal world. Make black and white your power colors this year, as they hold the power to increase your objectivity as well as your psychic abilities. Your Spirit guide the Mouse will encourage higher levels of awareness and scrutiny in all you do. Your lucky months will be November and March. Your lucky numbers are 5, 17, 24, 26 and 30.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 27
The energy of the Swan will guide you this year and promote transformation on all levels. Now that you’ve reached balance at work, you can devote more time to loved ones and personal pursuits. Increase your prayer and meditation schedule to develop a stronger relationship with Spirit; in the process, you’ll experience greater guidance as you move through your day. Relationships will be a priority this year, as you come to discover how selfless acts encourage more wholeness in your life and fulfills your Leo desire for intimacy. The chance to start your own business or quit work altogether could be a possibility this year, as a surprising boost to your income will have you considering new options. Add touches of red to your wardrobe, home and office, as this vibrant color can generate greater levels of success and stability. Your lucky months will be August and December. Your lucky numbers are 6, 12, 18, 23 and 36.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 28
You’ll start the year with a clean slate, releasing the past and diving headfirst into the future with optimism, joy, and faith. Ego and spirit will come into balance, and the spiritual lessons presented to you will be specifically designed to create more harmony in your personal relationships. Making a simple change in your daily eating and exercise habits will eliminate a nagging health problem. Travel for business or pleasure will afford you the chance to experience new ideas, thoughts, and connections that support your Leo drive to know more about life. A new friend will enter your life over the next two months, and this person is sure to have a profound effect on you. Purple can increase your spiritual understanding, so choose it as your power color to uplift your soul and access more divine guidance. Your spirit guide is the Bear, who’ll gift you with renewed power, endless resources, and guaranteed success. Your lucky months will be November and May. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, 16, 22 and 28.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 29
Your social world expands this year with the introduction of new people and activities. It’s time to create healthier love connections, which you can do by making a shift in your perspective: To manifest greater empathy for others, consider walking a mile in their shoes. Prosperity will return, as your Leo efforts to create more financial balance finally starts to pay off. (Take care not to jump into any questionable schemes or investments that could work against you.) This is your year to show off the creative talents you’ve been hiding; when you do, they could turn into a lucrative second income! Your professional life could use a boost; sign up for a class or workshop that will get you back up to speed. Pastels can add balance to your daily movements and keep your thoughts centered, so surround yourself with these calming colors. Your spirit guide will be the Bee, which is a great reflection of how busy you’ll be! Your lucky months will be October and February. Your lucky numbers are 4, 5, 11, 29 and 31.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 30
You’ll create stronger ties with loved ones this year, which adds greater joy to all you do. Don’t panic if things get rocky at work, as they will straighten out before the end of the year and eventually, work in your favor. It is time to release the things in your life that no longer serve you, rather than attempting to hold on to old patterns or connections just because they are familiar. A love relationship will reach new levels of intimacy and commitment over the next three months, challenging you to stay balanced and honor your individuality while uniting more deeply with another. Your authentic spiritual power will increase when you wear more Leo colors such as red or yellow. To create the perfect atmosphere for your dreams to come true, add them to your surroundings as well. Your spirit guide is the Owl, who’ll remind you to seek out the wisdom of seasoned professionals who can help you move ahead in career and financial goals. Your lucky months will be August and December. Your lucky numbers are 3, 9, 18, 26 and 30.

Leo Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – July 31
You’ll begin this year with renewed clarity, releasing the misconceptions and fears that have been holding you back. Daily meditation and prayer can help build a stronger connection to the Divine and improve your ability to make choices based in spirit rather than ego. To resolve a difficult situation at work, approach things from a different angle and be open to the idea of compromise. Your Leo intensity and determination will help you to stay focused on long term success rather than instant gratification. The only way to keep ahead of bills and create growth for the future is with a budget; make one, and stick to it! White will improve your clarity and enhance your spiritual vision, so embrace it as your power color this year, adding it to your wardrobe and surroundings to reflect the soulful psychic within you. The Fox will be your spirit guide this year, and promote discernment, cleverness and the ability to vanish in an instant if need be! Your lucky months will be August and January. Your lucky numbers are 1, 10, 15, 27 and 30.

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