Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of SUCCESS – “I possess the power to manifest all I desire when I act in ways that reflect my intent. I prepare for greater challenges, faithful that Spirit will direct me to new avenues of success.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Blue, Number: 3)

SUNDAY: Everyone will expect you to take care of them today, but you simply won’t have the energy. You need extra rest or time in meditation to balance out certain emotional frustrations that are showing up as physical aches or lethargy. Pay closer attention to your intuition before making any promises or commitments; if there is any lingering doubt in your heart, it could mean trouble ahead. Call upon the restorative powers of tonight’s Gemini Moon to reclaim the energy you’ll need for the week ahead.

KEEP IN MIND: While you’re “fence-sitting” today, give yourself some time to surf the internet for new ideas!