Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of MOVEMENT – “When I act with complete trust in the Universe, movement is restored, and new doors open to me. I spread my wings and take a leap of faith into the unknown.” Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: White, Number: 1)

WEDNESDAY: Now is an excellent time to acknowledge people who have supported you in the past; a thank you note or a small gift is ideal! Someone considers you an authority figure or expert in your line of work and will seek you out for advice or direction today. A spontaneous meditation is the quickest way to get to the amazing insights Spirit is trying to reveal, so instead of asking for what you want, listen patiently under tonight’s Leo new Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: Act as if you’re accepting an “Oscar” today, and don’t forget to thank all the “little people” behind the scenes who’ve made your recent success possible!