Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of CREATIVITY – “I live my life with creative expression. New activities stir my imagination and encourage me to share my unique view of the world with others.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: Purple, Number: 3)
THURSDAY: Socializing will be on your mind as the Sun moves into Virgo today, so put work on the back burner and spend your time chatting with friends or networking with coworkers. Dress in white, as this color is ideal for clearing muddled thoughts and restoring clarity. Return emails and phone calls this evening, as correspondence is starting to pile up. When you share your true feelings with a loved one under tonight’s Aries Moon, they’ll be encouraged to do the same.
KEEP IN MIND: You may not feel very productive today, but in truth, the time you spend interacting with others will move you forward on a spiritual level.