Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of FOCUS – “When I maintain a spiritual focus, I have access to every opportunity available. With this higher perspective, it is easier to recognize the miracles that come my way each day.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)

FRIDAY: You’ll have to recharge your batteries today, so plan on taking it easy under the rejuvenating Sagittarius Moon. Pay close attention to your eating habits, as adjusting them even just a little bit will increase your energy levels. Move cautiously, as you could be a bit accident-prone today. Make a point of cleansing your personal space with a sage smudge stick or incense this evening to purify your environment as well as your spirit.

KEEP IN MIND: A few minor adjustments can make a world of difference, so change things up today!