Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of PURPOSE – “I look for the spiritual gifts and higher purpose hidden within my current struggles. I have faith that Spirit is moving me to a better place.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Indigo, Number: 10)
MONDAY: You’ll need to restore order to your home or workplace first thing this morning, or you’ll just be going in circles the rest of the day. It’s time to get rid of clutter and stuff from the past, both physically and emotionally. The Virgo Moon will insist you make time for the personal relationships in your life, so schedule in extra time to spend with loved ones this evening. The Magician will be your tarot card this week; get ready to see the Universe perform a few amazing tricks!
KEEP IN MIND: You can’t keep carrying around all that dead weight and expect to make any progress; today, hold an inner and outer de-cluttering session.