Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of PURPOSE – “I look for the spiritual gifts and higher purpose hidden within my current struggles. I have faith that Spirit is moving me to a better place.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Indigo, Number: 10)
SATURDAY: You’ll be quite happy with the new boundaries and structures you set in place today, as they’re sure to make your future movements more balanced. You may feel a bit sensitive under the Scorpio Moon, so it’s best not to make any definite plans or decisions until you are feeling more stable. Burn pine incense or diffuse pine essential oils during your evening meditation, as either can work wonders to heal a nagging joint or back problem that flares up.
KEEP IN MIND: It seems you’re getting more balanced every day, and do you know why? Because you’re allowing Spirit to direct all your movements.