Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “My word and actions work in harmony with each other, as long as I stay close to Spirit. I move through my life surrounded by inner joy and anticipation for the future.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Blue, Number: 9)
TUESDAY: You can tone down the mental gymnastics going on in your head with some meditation, a walk in nature or similar exercise. You should take notes during an important phone conversation or meeting; it’s the only way you’ll remember all that’s discussed. The Aries Moon could bring out your opinionated side tonight; try to view things from a more philosophical perspective. Rain incense or essential oils can cleanse away old pain or misconceptions, so use some this evening to gain a fresh perspective.
KEEP IN MIND: Your head is stuck in overdrive, so to restore balance, focus on physical activities today.