Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of SUPPORT – “My dreams take on a new life when I share them with others. I invite new people into my life, enlarging my circle of spiritual support, friendship, and love.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Elk, Color: Gold, Number: 4)

WEDNESDAY: Limitations and restrictions will disappear in an instant today as the Aquarius Sun opens the door to success. There’s no need to struggle with a problem alone; ask a trusted friend for insight or guidance under today’s Capricorn Moon. Wear amber or tiger’s eye, as both are wisdom-filled stones that can help when you’re called upon to address a conflict with a loved one. Later, meditate with one of these empowering stones for even greater insight into the problem, along with the solution.

KEEP IN MIND: Whether you enlist the help of Spirit or a close friend, the answers you need are sure to appear today.