Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I face life’s obstacles with faith and determination, keeping in mind that spiritual challenges are designed to move me to a higher level of being.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: White, Number: 11)
THURSDAY: Now that your finances have stabilized a bit, consider making travel plans or signing up for a creative class under the Cancer Moon. Blocks to progress are just a test, so don’t get frustrated; your determined spirit will find a way around them. You keep walking right by something you misplaced over a month ago; instead of searching in hidden places, just pay closer attention! You’re at an impasse with a loved one; seek spiritual guidance during your evening meditation for the perfect solution.
KEEP IN MIND: You may feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle all day. No worries though, you’ll get to the top, one way or another!