Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of FAITH – “I move with unwavering faith and spiritual intent toward my dreams. I cast off doubt and act confidently on the intuitive guidance I receive.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: White, Number: 1)
FRIDAY: Once you accept the fact that you’re powerless to change another’s actions, you can turn your attention back to yourself. Stand your ground on an issue that is dear to your heart, as people could try to use emotionally charged words to get their way or sway your opinion under the Libra Moon. Visualize yourself surrounded by white light to create extra strength, clarity, and power. Keep your evening open and flexible, as the Universe has a surprise in store for you!
KEEP IN MIND: It’s basically a “don’t tell me what to do and I won’t tell you what to do” kind of day. Once that’s settled, things should flow smoothly.