Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of IDEALS – “I hold fast to the ideals of my heart and ask Spirit to make them a reality. I do the footwork necessary, trusting that the Universe will take me where I want to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

SATURDAY: Unexpected chaos could make it difficult to maintain your pace today, so access the power of the flexible Capricorn Moon to stay on track. Starting a project over from scratch may seem annoying as Mars moves into Gemini, but a fresh start will produce more successful results than your initial efforts. Meditate with a clear quartz crystal or amethyst under the Cancer Sun to bring emotions back into balance and restore your inner peace after a trying day.

KEEP IN MIND: You rarely get a second chance to say yes to a great opportunity, but today, something that passed you by months ago will come up again for grabs: go for it!