Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of TRANSITION – “I prepare for a new cycle, faithful in my ability to accomplish whatever I desire. I pursue my dreams with renewed confidence.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Black, Number: 4)
FRIDAY: A change you make today could be permanent, so be sure that you’re acting from the heart, rather than impulse or ego. A nagging ache or pain will improve when you stop and nurture yourself more under today’s Cancer new Moon, the sign that reminds you to keep on top of your spiritual health. Burn cinnamon incense or diffuse essential oils to elevate your mood and restore your inner joy. The Cancer Sun will bring out your romantic side tonight, to the delight of your sweetheart!
KEEP IN MIND: Cast off the heavy energy of the day by planning a romantic interlude for this evening; it will make those working hours go by much faster!