Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INDEPENDENCE – “I flex my spiritual independence by following my intuition above the opinions of others. In the process, my truths are reflected in all I do, think, and express.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Green, Number: 4)
MONDAY: The Sagittarius Moon could prove quite distracting today, making it difficult to get much done. On a positive note, the Gemini Sun will insist you set aside time to play or relax, a reward for all the extra work you’ve taken on over the last two weeks! Tonight, spend some time in the company of supportive and loving people who always cheer you up. Your tarot card this week is the Moon, which will inspire you to act from the heart and follow your intuition over the facts.
KEEP IN MIND: No reason to fight the inevitable today; when the path you’re on gets blocked, sit down and have a picnic!