Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INDEPENDENCE – “I flex my spiritual independence by following my intuition above the opinions of others. In the process, my truths are reflected in all I do, think, and express.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Green, Number: 4)
SUNDAY: Send a heartfelt note to your Dad and the other important men who’ve changed your life and thank them for always being there! Thanks to the Gemini Sun, not only will your feelings become clear, but you’ll also see how the Universe has been working to protect you from moving in the wrong direction! Finish up projects or paperwork first thing this morning under the industrious Pisces Moon so that you can enjoy more freedom of movement for the remainder of the day.
KEEP IN MIND: It looks like everyone else is taking the day off; you can too, once you get your basic chores out of the way.