Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – “I approach the world with an open and generous heart, grateful for the people who share my life. My ability to relate to all those around me comes from my willingness to practice unconditional love.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

FRIDAY: You can forget about trying to keep a schedule today; simply follow the intuitive urges that Spirit sends your way. This morning’s Aries Moon will compel you to do some research about how to break a bad habit or resolve a health issue you’ve been struggling with. Constant interference by coworkers or family is best handled with patience, as getting frustrated will only make things worse. An exciting evening awaits you, so make plans to get out and have some fun!

KEEP IN MIND: You could find this to be a very annoying day, but once the clock strikes five, leave work behind and make up for lost time by heading out for a fun evening.