Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of SPIRITUALITY – “I build stronger bonds with the Universe through prayer and meditation. Accompanied by spiritual power, I move into new challenges with confidence.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Blue, Number: 2)

SUNDAY: Honor the special women in your life today, whether they’re near, far or in the spirit world. You’ll have to adjust your plans to accommodate any spur of the moment changes when Saturn turns retrograde. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t get anything done; just go with the flow. You’ll chat up a storm under tonight’s friendly Capricorn Moon, in person or over the internet, but take care not to reveal too much personal information to a stranger.

KEEP IN MIND: Plan as you might, expect your movements to be directed by a higher source today (to your amazement and delight)!