Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of AUTHENTICITY – “I develop deeper personal connections while maintaining my spiritual authenticity. Uniting with others helps me to move with perfect balance through my days.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
SATURDAY: The Pisces Moon will insist that you get organized today. Wear indigo to add power to your words as well as your movements. Show others that you mean business, even if it’s the business of creating more fun and joy in the world. Spend the evening comparing notes with a close friend or formulating a detailed plan to execute an exciting new idea you’ve stumbled across this week, quite by accident. (Of course, we all know there are no accidents!)
KEEP IN MIND: Creating a strong foundation is essential before you move into new activities next week, so give yourself some time to restore order and clear a path to the future.